plant-based eating, what I eat in a day

What I Eat in a Day 5

IMG_6048.JPGRecently on Instagram, I participated in a group thread with several other lovely people sharing what we each eat on a typical day. Our goal was to share what real-life vegans (and plant-based eaters) eat to inspire the thousands of people taking part in the annual Veganuary Challenge. My day to share meals was a Tuesday punctuated by normal, daily activities–taking the kids to school, going to the gym, working from home, picking up the kids, homework, dinner, and after school activities. As a busy mom of 3, my goal was to show that if I can nourish my body with healthy, delicious meals, that you can too! Continue reading “What I Eat in a Day 5”

breakfasts, dinner, lunch, plant-based eating, salad, slow cooker, snack, soup, under 30 minutes, what I eat in a day

What I Eat in a Day 3

IMG_1985.JPGThe sun is shining, the birds are chirping, and the pollen is floating through the air. All indciations that spring is on it’s way in Texas. After 2 weeks of intense rain (about 12 inches in 10 days time), a full day of sunshine inspired me to share another What I Eat in a Day. Continue reading “What I Eat in a Day 3”

kids, lunch, pasta, what I eat in a day

What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch #9: All Green, No Food Dye Needed


This year my kids’ Spring Break was quite early, with spring not even officially beginning until next week. And it just so happens that our last day of break fell on Day Light Saving Time. Needless to say when Monday rolled around we were all missing that extra hour of sleep so very much. In order to brighten up my kids’ first week back from break, I decided to whip up a fun themed lunch for Saint Patrick’s Day (minus the corned beef). I am not typically a “themed lunch makin’ kind of mom,” but I’ll use any excuse to get those nutrient rich green foods into my kids! Continue reading “What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch #9: All Green, No Food Dye Needed”

kids, lunch, under 30 minutes, what I eat in a day

What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today #8: Bento Box Noodles


Is it just me, or is January the time of year when parents are officially over lunch packing? I know I am. Maybe it’s because most of the colorful fruits of summer and fall are out of season. Maybe it’s the cold weather or the fact that it gets dark at 5pm that has drained me of my creativity. Whatever the reason, I just don’t feel motivated to create fun and interesting lunches the way I did back in August. Continue reading “What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today #8: Bento Box Noodles”

kids, lunch, snack, under 30 minutes, what I eat in a day

What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today #5: Back to School Edition

School Lunch Title.JPGSchool is back in session (at least here in Texas), and I am back in that lunch-packing groove. This year, I am packing lunches for 2 kiddos and Husband on the daily. That means everything must be prepped en masse times 3 with enough variety that everyone is happy, but not so varied that mom looses her marbles. The added twist this year is that there are new “snack rules” at my kids’ school that dictate that all snacks must contain no nuts, be mess free, and be in single serving sizes. Continue reading “What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today #5: Back to School Edition”

kids, lunch, recipes, smoothies, what I eat in a day

What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today 4 (+ a smoothie recipe)

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Like most parents, I always have an idealized vision of summer vacation in my head at the end of every school year. A few moments of silence to sip my coffee in the morning while the kids sleep in, lazy days filled with swimming and play dates with friends, and warm evenings lounging on the patio watching the sun go down form the picture of a well spent summer in my imagination. Continue reading “What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today 4 (+ a smoothie recipe)”

breakfasts, dinner, lunch, plant-based eating, salad, smoothie bowl, snack, under 30 minutes, what I eat in a day

What I Eat in a Day 2

WIEIAD1.jpgI am a curious person by nature. I like to know things. I like to know how and why things work, interesting facts, and useless trivia. I especially like to know about food, nutrition, and cooking. Shocker, I know.

Continue reading “What I Eat in a Day 2”

drinks, kids, lunch, recipes, what I eat in a day

What I Ate for Lunch Today: Park Picnic Edition (+ a vitamin water recipe!)

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Summer is well under way and it is starting to get HOT in Texas. In order to beat the heat and get those stir-crazy kids out of the house, we head to the splash pad. It’s like running through the sprinklers 2.0.

Continue reading “What I Ate for Lunch Today: Park Picnic Edition (+ a vitamin water recipe!)”

kids, lunch, plant-based eating, what I eat in a day

What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today 3: Pick Plates

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If you’ve ever had lunch with a picky toddler, you know that the golden rule at mealtime is all components of said meal must be separate. Don’t you come at them with some type of “mixed” food like a vegetable hash or casserole. And heaven forbid the sauce be ON TOP of the pasta. That stuff should be on the side in its own dish where it can’t contaminate the pasta. Geeze, mom. Get it together.

Continue reading “What My Plant-Based Kids Ate for Lunch Today 3: Pick Plates”