health, information, plant-based eating, tips

How to Start a Plant Based Diet (from a Holistic Health Coach & mom of 3 that’s done it successfully!)


With the end of the decade looming large, many are looking to make a big change in 2020. Perhaps you’re one of the millions of people that are ready to make the leap to a predominately whole foods, plant based lifestyle in the coming year. Maybe you’ve heard of the health and environmental benefits, but you’re not sure where to start. Below is a Holistic Health Coach’s guide to making a successful transition to a healthy, sustainable, abundant plant based lifestyle. Continue reading “How to Start a Plant Based Diet (from a Holistic Health Coach & mom of 3 that’s done it successfully!)”

information, kids, lunch, plant-based eating, recipes, tips

Make Packing Healthy School Lunches EASY!

IMG_5194.JPGThe school year is upon us once again and with that comes a return to carpool, homework, and lunch packing. The average number of school days in the United States is 180 per year. Multiply that by my 3 children, and that’s 540 lunches I pack to keep my kids fed while at school this year alone! Continue reading “Make Packing Healthy School Lunches EASY!”

health, information, plant-based eating, recipes, tips

How to Make Any Recipe Healthier

IMG_4368.JPGWhen making any dietary changes,  people tend wonder if they will be able to enjoy their favorite meals ever again. Fear not, my fellow health-conscious friends! With a few simple techniques, you’ll be able to take a critical look at any recipe and know how to make it work for your health goals. Continue reading “How to Make Any Recipe Healthier”

health, information, tips

Houseplants 101


Houseplants are currently having a moment on Instagram. Just check out hashtags like #urbanjungle, #plantshelfie, or #houseplantclub and you’ll see hundreds of thousands of beautiful, lush plants. While no one can deny the beauty and serenity that plants add to a space, it’s their many health benefits that make them worth the time investment. Continue reading “Houseplants 101”

health, information, natural remedies, recipes

Natural Cleaning 101

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There are thousands of cleaning products on the market that promise to kill 99.9% of germs, do the scrubbing for you, leave a streak-free shine, and make your clothes softer and brighter—all with a lemony-fresh scent. Every year, Americans spend an upwards of $60 billion on commercially manufactured cleaning products from laundry detergent to limescale remover. The average family spends over $600 a year on cleaning products and has over a dozen different products in their home. We know to keep these products out of the reach of our children, but are they even safe for us to use at all? Continue reading “Natural Cleaning 101”

beauty, health, information, natural remedies, recipes, self care, tips

Natural Hair Care DIYs


Walk down the beauty aisle of any store and you’ll see thousands of products that claim to give you shiny, longer, healthier hair. However, upon closer inspection, you’ll see these products are chock-full of silicones, sulfates, parabens, and other nasty chemicals that give the illusion of healthier hair, but actually cause damage instead. Armed with a few simple ingredients from your local health food store (or good ol’ Amazon), you’ll be able to create your own healthy hair care arsenal, naturally. Continue reading “Natural Hair Care DIYs”

beauty, health, information, natural remedies, self care, tips

Healthy Hair, Naturally


While trends are constantly changing, healthy hair is always in style. I’ve been growing my hair long and then cutting off anywhere from 10-15 inches at a time to donate since the age of 9. As of October 2017, I made my 6th donation. It’s safe to say that I have quite a bit of experience in growing hair! Below are my tips on growing healthy hair as naturally as possible. Continue reading “Healthy Hair, Naturally”

health, information, plant-based eating, tips, transformations

3 Tips for an Organized Fridge


It’s common knowledge that if you keep healthy food in your home, you’ll eat healthy.

So why is it that we so often end up throwing out slimy lettuce, limp carrots, and mushy cucumbers at the end of the week? Continue reading “3 Tips for an Organized Fridge”

health, information, natural remedies, self care, stress, tips

Sleep Hygiene: What is it and How to Improve Yours


We all know the importance of sleep for our health, wellbeing, and let’s face it, our sanity. But with the chaotic pace of modern family life, the never ending to-do list, and the constant siren call of Netflix, how can we possibly get the good quality sleep need?  Continue reading “Sleep Hygiene: What is it and How to Improve Yours”