plant-based eating, what I eat in a day

What I Eat in a Day 5

IMG_6048.JPGRecently on Instagram, I participated in a group thread with several other lovely people sharing what we each eat on a typical day. Our goal was to share what real-life vegans (and plant-based eaters) eat to inspire the thousands of people taking part in the annual Veganuary Challenge. My day to share meals was a Tuesday punctuated by normal, daily activities–taking the kids to school, going to the gym, working from home, picking up the kids, homework, dinner, and after school activities. As a busy mom of 3, my goal was to show that if I can nourish my body with healthy, delicious meals, that you can too! Continue reading “What I Eat in a Day 5”

kids, lunch, pasta, recipes, under 30 minutes

Smokey Vegan Ranch (Lunch Box) Pasta Salad


6+ weeks into the school year usually means it’s time to gather more lunch box inspiration! Today I’m sharing a protein-packed, fiber-filled, flavorful cold pasta dish that’s sure to break up the sandwich doldrums. Continue reading “Smokey Vegan Ranch (Lunch Box) Pasta Salad”

information, kids, lunch, plant-based eating, recipes, tips

Make Packing Healthy School Lunches EASY!

IMG_5194.JPGThe school year is upon us once again and with that comes a return to carpool, homework, and lunch packing. The average number of school days in the United States is 180 per year. Multiply that by my 3 children, and that’s 540 lunches I pack to keep my kids fed while at school this year alone! Continue reading “Make Packing Healthy School Lunches EASY!”

breakfasts, dinner, lunch, plant-based eating, tips

What I Eat in a Day 4


During the summer, my workload gets pretty hefty. Long hours on the computer and many, many phone calls occur during the 8 weeks that I work on a seasonal job for our family businesses. In order to keep my stress levels manageable, I take our meals back to basics. Anything that can be prepped ahead in batches on my meal prep day will go a long way in cutting down my time in the kitchen during the rest of the week. I also go back to packing lunches for my kids several days a week. Continue reading “What I Eat in a Day 4”

health, information, plant-based eating, tips, transformations

3 Tips for an Organized Fridge


It’s common knowledge that if you keep healthy food in your home, you’ll eat healthy.

So why is it that we so often end up throwing out slimy lettuce, limp carrots, and mushy cucumbers at the end of the week? Continue reading “3 Tips for an Organized Fridge”

baked goods, breakfasts, recipes, under 30 minutes

Healthy Pumpkin Muffins


Nothing says autumn quiet like the pumpkin. Along with gourds and squashes, pumpkins are in season during the late fall and early winter months. While they are highly nutritious, boasting an impressive vitamin A, vitamin C, lutein, zeaxanthin, potassium, fiber, and antioxidant content, most Americans only ever consume pumpkin in highly sugary and fatty concoctions. Continue reading “Healthy Pumpkin Muffins”

dinner, recipes, slow cooker, soup

Slow Cooker Thai Curry Carrot Soup


I love Costco. They have a fantastic selection of organic produce at a great price. However, sometimes their package quantities are bigger than my family’s stomachs and we end up with more produce than we can eat before it spoils. Has anyone else been there? Continue reading “Slow Cooker Thai Curry Carrot Soup”

health, information, natural remedies, plant-based eating, tips

10 (Easy to Find) Immune Supportive Foods

Bell Pepper.jpg

As the dog days of summer fade into the crisp air of autumn, we spend more time indoors close contact with others. Between the limited access to natural sunlight, the recirculation of air via central heating systems, and heavily touched items (like those shared crayons at school or communal coffee pot handle at work), there’s no denying that “cold and flu season” is just around the corner. Continue reading “10 (Easy to Find) Immune Supportive Foods”